ACM40122     |      PSP40416
Certificate IV in Animal Management & Regulation
Certificate IV in Government Investigations


May 8, 2025
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Course Glance

The learning sessions in this course are delivered by your dedicated Warner Institute Course Manager,
in our live, interactive classroom hosted on Microsoft Teams.
The course also includes 4 face-to-face practical sessions where you'll get to practice hands-on skills.

This course is the ‘right-one’ for you if you have some experience working as a local laws officer, council ranger or parking officer who wants to upskill and stand out in the sector by gaining a formal qualification. You may also be someone who is changing career pathways with some transferable skills who wants to build upon your life experience with formal training to become a qualified and skilled local laws officer.

an image of a certificate
Certificate IV in Animal Regulation & Management, Government Investigations
an image of a calendar
an image of a calendar showing there is 1 session each week
1 session every 3 weeks
9 am - 5 pm
an image of a person inside a computer screen, indicating the sessions are delivered online
Interactive Online
Learning sessions
an image of a teacher in front of a classroom, indicating the class is delivered face-to-face
4 x Face-to-Face
Practical sessions
Govt funding available for eligible students*
This course is delivered by
Our team of Compliance Experts
Our Certificate IV in Animal Regulation & Management, and Certificate IV in Government Investigations course is taught by a team of specialist trainers who work in Local Government and Compliance. Together, they'll guide you through your qualification, ensuring to provide you with the most current, best practice knowledge to support you in your career.
Alison Wells
is here to help

I'm the Course Consultant for this course.

I'll happily answer all you questions about this course so that you can decide if it's the 'right-one' for you.

I'll also assess your eligibility for government funding too.

Let me help you take the right next step on your pathway.

call now
A yellow circle with a sun in the corner, and text reading FREE! Summer Special. No enrolment fees until Nov 30

Enrolment Application Fees,
or Materials Fees
when your enrolment is confirmed before
November 30th, 2024

Skills first funded

This is the all inclusive Tuition Fee if you meet eligibility criteria for both qualifications. You won't be required to pay any extra Materials or Admin Fees to enrol in this course, Download the Course Guide for the full details.

full Fee tuition fees

This is the all inclusive Tuition Fee if you're unable to meet the eligibility criteria for Skills First funding for either qualification. You won't be required to pay any extra Materials or Admin Fees to enrol in this course. Download the Course Guide for the full details.

Skills First funded - Concession

This is the all inclusive Tuition Fee if you meet eligibility criteria for both qualifications and are an eligible Concession Card holder. You won't be required to pay any extra Materials or Admin Fees to enrol in this course. Download the Course Guide for the full details.

Skills first funded

This is the all inclusive Tuition Fee if you meet eligibility criteria for both qualifications. You won't be required to pay any extra Materials or Admin Fees to enrol in this course, Download the Course Guide for the full details.

full Fee tuition fees

This is the all inclusive Tuition Fee if you're unable to meet the eligibility criteria for Skills First funding for either qualification. You won't be required to pay any extra Materials or Admin Fees to enrol in this course. Download the Course Guide for the full details.

Dual Qualification
Enrolment Application Fee $75
Skills First Program Funded*
Discounted Full Fee

Full Fee Students $9,995

CIV Animal Regulation & Management
Single Qualification
Enrolment Application Fee $75
Materials Fee $650
Skills First Program Funded*

Full Fee Students $7,495

CIV Government
Single Qualification
Enrolment Application Fee $75
Materials Fee $650
Skills First Program Funded*

Full Fee Students $5,495

Single Qualification

You have the option to choose to undertake one or both of the qualifications for this course. 

More Course Details

How will Whole Person Learning help me?

Our Whole Person Learning Model understands that you are unique and human and not a 'widget' in some training, factory-like, production line.

Few of us learn everything when it's delivered on a monotonous, boring, lecture-like standard way.

We understand that learning is more effective, interesting and fun if it draws on a variety of different modes; Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing, and Kinesthetic.

This is why in every session, you'll get to talk, listen, role-play, watch, ask questions, solve and read. This means that you'll learn in ways that best suit you because the material is engaging and accessible.

What career pathways does this course open up for me?

Successfully completing this nationally accredited course provides you with the qualification to work in a range of roles within the Local Laws sector where you'll be making a real difference to your community.

These roles include but not limited to working as an; animal management officer undertaking animal control and regulatory functions, authorised officers undertaking regulatory control functions, or parking regulation in a local government context.

What units are included in this course?

ACM40122 - Certificate IV in Animal Regulation & Management

  • ACMARM401
    Administer  animal management and regulatory requirements
  • ACMARM403
    Identify and respond to animal behaviour in an animal management and regulation environment
  • ACMARM406
    Carry out animal holding facility procedures
  • ACMWHS301
    Contribute to workplace health and safety processes
  • PSPCRT029
    Compile and use official notes
  • PSPINV004
    Conduct an investigation
  • PSPREG034
    Assess compliance
  • PSPREG010
    Prepare a brief of evidence
  • ACMARM402
    Assess and impound animals
  • ACMARM404
    Manage conflict situations in an animal regulation and management environment
  • ACMARM408
    Coordinate seizure of animals
  • PSPINV001
    Plan and initiate an investigation
  • PSPINV003
    Finalise an investigation
  • PSPREG033
    Apply regulatory powers
  • PSPREG036
    Act on non-compliance
  • PSPREG038
    Give evidence

PSP40416 - Certificate IV in Government Investigations

  • BSBWHS201
    Contribute to the health and safety of self and others
  • PSPETH002
    Uphold and support the values and principles of public service
  • PSPGEN023
    Deliver and monitor service to clients
  • PSPGEN043
    Apply government processes
  • PSPINV002
    Conduct an investigation
  • PSPLEG002
    Encourage compliance with legislation in the public sector
  • PSPREG003
    Apply regulatory powers
  • PSPREG010
    Prepare a brief of evidence
  • LGAREG001
    Implement parking controls
  • PSPGEN029
    Value diversity
  • PSPGEN098
    Deal with conflict
  • PSPINV001
    Plan and initiate an investigation
  • PSPINV003
    Finalise an investigation
  • PSPPCY004
    Support policy implementation
  • PSPREG012
    Gather information through interviews
  • PSPCRT007
    Compile and use official notes
What are the Workplace Skill Sessions?

If you’re not currently working in a relevant local laws role, you'll undertake two additional workplace skills sessions. These sessions will further support your learning journey and better assist your understanding of complex tasks and concepts if you’re not currently working in a relevant role.

These workplace skill sessions are mandatory for all students who are not currently  working in a relevant local laws role.

Refer to your Course Guide for details.

Hands-on Learning

To ensure that you gain the essential real-world skills and knowledge that you need, you’ll attend Parking, Live Animal Handling, Investigations & Court Workshops.
These hands-on workshops are experiential in nature and are conducted face-to-face by subject matter experts at specialist venues.
Each Workshop Day is conducted as a Full Day (9am - 5pm) session and may necessitate you travelling to different suburbs/towns on specified dates.

How will you support me throughout my studies?

We all want to see you succeed!

Your Course Manager is available to support you between sessions if you get stuck. You can call, text or email them and they’ll respond back to you with the support you need. Your Course Consultant is there for you too.

Coaching Sessions are included within the delivery of the course. These are scheduled at regular points throughout the program. These Coaching Sessions have been created to support you with additional coaching including simulated tasks, role-play assessments, subject matter revision, workplace assessment, review and any required catch-up.

What are the technology requirements to undertake this course?

You will require access to a computer or laptop and reliable internet access and capacity to stream video with audio for any online classroom sessions, including any catch-up sessions. You will be required to log on for the duration of the session with both your camera and microphone activated.

What qualifications will I graduate with?

Successful completion of both qualifications will see you graduate with 2 x nationally accredited qualifications: ACM40122 Certificate IV in Animal Regulation & Management & PSP40416  Certificate IV in Government Investigations.

Download Course Guide

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