Our Employer Support Model will enable you to recruit new domestic support workers who will undertake structured training whilst they are learning ‘your way'.
It also allows for professional development of your team to create more engaged and effective support workers and better leaders; ultimately resulting in more satisfied clients.
This enables you to recruit new workers based on attitude and behaviour;
we'll focus on the qualification.
Supporting your organisation to recruit people new to the sector with the right attitude & behaviour, who can ‘Earn as they learn’ as they become confident, qualified and skilled Personal Care Workers and Support Workers.
We will pre-screen applicants for suitability to the sector and the course, their capability to undertake the training, and assess them for funding eligibility.
For your existing team that want to prepare for the next step in their career, or those who could benefit from updating their skills and knowledge.
It will build their capability and confidence to put their new best practice skills and knowledge into practice. They will become the best they can be; they will have the confidence & capability to mentor and coach new entrants.
We will provide you with support to select and inform your
current team, assess them for funding eligibility and help them to select the course that best meets their needs.
Give your current leaders and clinicians the skills and knowledge they need to better empower, support and develop their team.
Engage your high-performers and aspiring leaders, preparing them to take the next step in their career.
We will provide you with support to select and inform your current team, assess them for funding eligibility and help them to select the course that best meets their needs.
Ready to grow, adapt or lead your team? Not sure where to start?
Fill out this form and we'll help you achieve your development goals.